Sell Dexcom G7 Sensor STP-AT-018

Sell Dexcom G7 Sensor STP-AT-018


Please verify that you have the RETAIL G7 box and not the ‘DME‘ which is listed separately here. This is the product number we buy for this listing:
The DME boxes are product number STP-AT-013 and have a large green panel on the back. We also DO NOT BUY SAMPLE boxes. PLEASE VERIFY BEFORE SUBMITTING to avoid disappointment or confusion.

Calculate Your Exp Dates!
Select the exp date printed on your boxes:



NEW IN THE BOX. Sell your Dexcom G7 sensor to the Two Moms! We make it easy to earn top dollar on extra Dexcom G7 sensors you don’t need.

These are the product numbers we buy for this listing:


The DME boxes are product number STP-AT-013 and have the wording PATIENTS WITH GOVERNMENT PAYORS ONLY.

Please Note: We DO NOT buy G7 SAMPLE boxes (see below). Thank you!

Dexcom G7 Sample Box - Two Moms Buy Test Strips - sell Dexcom




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