Sell Medtronic MiniMed Reservoir

Sell Medtronic MiniMed Reservoir


Calculate Your Exp Dates!
Select the exp date printed on your boxes:



Sell your extra Medtronic MiniMed Reservoirs to the Two Moms! We make it easy to earn top dollar on extra Medtronic MiniMed Reservoirs you don’t need.

  • Must have 10 months or longer before expiration.
    • To determine how many months until your items expire: Count the current month as “0” and the next month as “1” and so forth. For example, if the current month is June (month “0”), then if your items expired in 10 months, they would expire in April (month “10”). The MiniMed Reservior you send us must have a minimum expiration date of at least ten (10) months.
  • Boxes with MINOR dings and SMALL pieces of paper missing will be 1/2 price.
  • We do not buy damaged boxes.
  • We do not buy MiniMed MiniMed Reservoirs with less than 10 months until expiration.

Please allow us to remove the prescription labels off your boxes so that you receive top dollar for your products.

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